I apologize for all these shitty animations... this is a really old account and I've gotten much better now. I mostly operate on YouTube as Lulu Luvscats, so go check me out there :P

Lulu @eithmableura12

Age 27, Female

Joined on 4/30/10

Exp Points:
16 / 20
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.79 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

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Hey guys, it's me... only I'm different now.

If you're someone who used to follow me on NG years ago, good for you! I have no idea WHY you decided to follow me, since everything I posted here in the past was either a shitpost or something that I no longer consider any good. By this point, the few submissions I actually WAS proud of at one point are gone, leaving only the crappy stuff. Why these animations deserved to be deleted instead of the worse ones, I'll never know. But the point is, they're here. And I'll admit I made them at one point, back when I honestly thought I had a chance on this site. Turns out you have to be a bit more talented than I was at the time of making my account, otherwise you're FUCKED.

After being told by some assholes that I had no hope for a future in animation, I pretty much gave up on animation and just decided to use this as a "non-submitting" account. I did occasionally make animations in my spare time, but they only got "somewhat" better over time, and I knew that wouldn't be enough to impress the NG community. I even tried making games at one point, but it proved too difficult for me, so I gave up on that too. Eventually I just decided I wanted to leave behind the person I was when I made this account: an overambitious, outspoken autistic kid who tried way too hard to be funny and instead ended up embarrassing herself. (And no, I'm not using "autistic" as an insult here; I actually do have autism and I've learned to control the more "extreme" sides of it by now.) I truly regret the person I was back then, and I'm proud to say I've moved on from that.

One particular complaint I often made that I know probably pissed some people off was the fact that I thought fetishes and hentai were evil... when in fact I was guilty of indulging in them myself. Truly hypocritical behavior, no? I thought all men were jerks for watching porn, and then, oops, turns out I'm a bisexual and have sexual urges too. I'm only human, I guess.

Moving swiftly on, I've decided I'm keeping the cringy comments I left and terrible animations I made. It's one thing to move on from a certain phase in your life, but to pretend it never existed is another. Sure, I wish I hadn't made such a fool of myself here in the past, but I won't deny that I was "eithmableura12" at one point. I was literally 12 when I made that account, and now it's been nearly 10 years since then. Boy, have I changed... for one thing, I'm now a somewhat-popular YouTube Pooper (and man, am I glad that trend's still around). You can find me on YouTube as Lulu Luvscats now, if you're interested in how much I've grown since my Newgrounds days. I won't push you to subscribe or anything, since I'm not a shameless sub-beggar, but I can assure you that the videos I have on there are miles better than anything this account holds at the moment.



Recent Game Medals

11,800 Points

Loot Master 5 Points

Raid 15 overworld objects for items.


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Easier as it seems. 5 Points

Kill the first enemy.

Ten Chicks 50 Points

Turn 10 enemies into chickens.

Don't Even Try! 100 Points

Complete the first two areas in Impossible mode.

Halfway Through 50 Points

Complete Act 1.

Don't Be Greedy 5 Points

Spend 1000 gold.

30th Alumnus 25 Points

Graduate 30 students *MUST BE IN HARD MODE*

White Book 10 Points

Find the White Book