Damn right hilarious!!!
"You have to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave the woooooooooooorld."
"HOLY SH*T WHAT DO I DO!" *insert bomb here* "Oh."
"You saaaaaaaved the woooooooooooorld." "Woohoo."
"Well maybe if you ate ME once in a while you'd have COOKING POWERS or something!!!"
"Everything's black and there's white text telling me what I'm dreaming!!! :O"
"I have a sword that's five billion freakin...tons."
"Noooooooooo barrett you don't understand blah blah blah im annoying..."
"Dont...let...the goodness...pee in your veins..."
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. It's Sepharothhhh."
"I'm Sephroth and I'm also Solid Snake!!!"
"I vas part of teh Turks...but dey kicked me out."
"Aauuurhhh! Is a vampire...where's the stake, I have a cross...where's mommy...mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy."
"wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo doggy chicka WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT."
"What the hell."